마카오 카지노 게임

kcif 국제금융센터

KCIF 국제금융센터



바로 위에 textarea를 추가(임시 공간이라 위치는 상관 없음) url = window.document.location.href; //url에는 현재 주소값을 넣어줌 textarea.value = url; // textarea 값에 url를 넣어줌 textarea.select(); //textarea를 설정 document.execCommand("copy"); // 복사 document.body.removeChild(textarea); //extarea 요소를 없애줌 alert("URL이 복사되었습니다.") // 알림창 }


Welcome to

Korea Center for
International Finance
Established on April 1, 1999, under the auspices of the government and the
Bank of Korea, the KCIF is dedicated to preventing another financial crisis of
the kind witnessed in 1997.
The Center’s main responsibility is to closely monitor movements in
international financial markets and the global economy and to issue early
warning signals based on that analysis.

Recognized as the only domestic Korean institution to analyze such a broad range of financial Information in real time, the KCIF makes detailed policy proposals to the government and is on the frontline of financial risk management in a rapidly changing global environment.

By helping with policy promotion and IR activities, and through establishing relationships with financial professionals around the world, the KCIF provides key support to government efforts to upgrade the nation’s sovereign rating. The Center also provides advice to the government and the private sector on international financial activities including the issuance of exchange equalization funds, overseas financing for public and private institutions and the management of foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities.

The KCIF’s timely, high quality research and reports aid strategic decision making and policy implementation at the highest levels of the public sector: the Presidential Office, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Financial Supervisory Service and the Bank of Korea. The private sector certainly benefits too, with banks and securities firms, among others, using the KCIF’s expertise to assist with risk management in international finance.

In the years ahead, the KCIF will continue its fervent and sincere efforts to preempt financial crises and to become a truly world-class financial advisor policymakers. And as the government strives to make Korea the financial hub of Northeast Asia, the KCIF will be by its side, providing invaluable information both for domestic financial institutions looking to move into foreign markets and for overseas firms hoping to enter Korea.

Thank you for visiting the KCIF website. The Center will at all times do its best to provide top-quality information and sophisticated analysis.