바로 위에 textarea를 추가(임시 공간이라 위치는 상관 없음) url = window.document.location.href; //url에는 현재 주소값을 넣어줌 textarea.value = url; // textarea 값에 url를 넣어줌 textarea.select(); //textarea를 설정 document.execCommand("copy"); // 복사 document.body.removeChild(textarea); //extarea 요소를 없애줌 alert("URL이 복사되었습니다.") // 알림창 }
Expectations for the end of monetary tightening, finally, are rising among emerging countries. However, inflations are still high and supply chain instability factors remain as a hurdle. EM countries are also vulnerable to energy and food crisis. In cases of fragile countries such as Egypt, Pakistan, and Lebanon, excess debt levels and currency devaluation are a serious problem. Can EM countries survive economic headwinds?